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intro- 11/22/19

Updated: Nov 26, 2019

so, many of you reading this are probably just friends and family (which will hopefully change.) that being the case, I would like to preface all of this by saying this while this blog is not intended for idiots, it is also not for the faint of heart, close-minded, or people lacking in morals (which if you're reading this because I sent you a link or whatever, I believe you have morals, and I also *probably* love you. I will be the primary contributor to this blog, but all readers are welcome to offer up topics to be talked about, as well as my best friend. because I have the possibility of getting a lot of backlash for this blog, we would like to remain somewhat anonymous. so, now that I've gotten that out of the way, I would like to begin the real introduction.

What will the contents of this blog contain?

-general annoyances

-stupid shit I see daily

-crazy people




-and a lot more

And, the age old question: who am I?

honestly, this will change a lot, so maybe ill have new updates every once in a while at the end of a post, or if its a big change or discovery, ill devote a post to it. or any other combo in between. anyway. I'm 16, I am gender fluid, but I was born as a female. (no, I'm not going to explain gender fluidity. you are literally using a phone right now. google it.) I'm also demisexual, as well as bisexual. I would think of myself as an independent with more left leaning views. as like many "zoomers" (and scorpios in general) I am very passionate with my beliefs and occasionally a bit dogmatic although I'm trying to steer away from that second part so I don't come off as an asshole. other things about me, I love helping other people, and I'm a super forgiving person but not always the most patient in the moment. also, for those of you interested in my signs and whatnot, here ya go:

sun: scorpio

ascendant: taurus

Saturn: cancer

Jupiter: virgo

moon: libra

mercury: sagittarius

Pluto: sagittarius

venus: sagittarius

Neptune: aquarius

uranus: aquarius

mars: pisces

anyway, I'm hungry af. if you have more questions, just ask!

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